Welcome to the Abbotts Ann Community Land Trust website

(This page was last updated on Thursday 11th July 2024)


If you are a resident of Abbotts Ann, you should have recently received an envelope from Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC) asking you to complete a Housing Needs Survey.  This is an independent survey being carried out as a joint partnership arrangement by Abbotts Ann Parish Council, Abbotts Ann Community Land Trust (AACLT) and TVBC, to assess the current and future need for different types of housing in the Parish of Abbotts Ann.
We would like to encourage you to complete the questionnaire asap – you can use the paper copy provided in the post, or online using the following link:


The Abbotts Ann CLT has been working hard on behalf of the residents of Abbotts Ann for a number of years now, aiming to deliver a small development that will provide a mix of affordable homes to rent and for shared ownership, and homes for sale especially suitable for ‘down-sizers’.
Whilst progress has been slowed by the various challenges of recent years, (the Covid pandemic, high inflation rates, increased building costs, etc) we would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that we are still moving forward with our plans.
We are very grateful to Abbotts Ann Parish Council and Test Valley Borough Council for commissioning this new Housing Needs Survey – the last assessment was carried out in 2016, so it will be very helpful to get updated feedback to show the current housing situation in Abbotts Ann. 
The results from this survey will be used to determine the types of homes that are incorporated into the final design, so it is important that as many households complete the survey as possible.
Thank you for your continued support.

Our main objectives are to provide

affordable homes to rent and for shared ownership


homes for sale especially suitable for “down-sizers”

We are still working hard on our plan to develop the Duck Street site with the scheme that has drawn such strong support from the community and are pleased to report that we have now made significant progress and are hopeful of announcing soon the conclusion of agreements that will secure the land and make progress with the development.


With the active involvement of the people of Abbotts Ann we looked at possible sites and identified a site adjoining the Abbotts Ann Primary School in Duck Street.  We commissioned a design that echoes the character of Abbotts Ann.  We want the development to be of excellent design and have high standards of energy efficiency.

Planning  policies require us to demonstrate community benefit in addition to the new homes themselves.   We will provide low carbon energy to the new homes (and perhaps beyond) and will give support to the village shop and other village activities.  We have proposed an increased contribution from the housing development of £150,000 towards the construction of a new community clubhouse at Bulbery Sportsfield.


We have selected as our new development partner OXFORD ADVANCED LIVING (“OAL”) a developer who shares our commitment to good design and sustainability.  We have been working with OAL and the land owner’s agents to agree terms for an agreement that will give OAL the option to buy the land, and also a Development Agreement between OAL and AACLT that will include our requirements for the content and standards of the development.


Once the Option Agreement and Development Agreement have both been signed, we will finalise the planning application (which will include further discussions with the Parish Council) and will carry out further community consultation with all residents of Abbotts Ann.  We are hopeful that real progress can be made and that a planning application will be submitted during the first 6 months of 2024.

Your support is vital and there will be further opportunities for you to contribute to the development of the design and to register your comments (both with us and also with Test Valley Borough Council once the planning application is submitted).

We will, of course, continue to update you on our progress!

In the meantime, if you would like to look back at any of the public consultation documents then they are still available to view via the following links: 

1st Public Community Consultation proposal

1st Public Community Consultation response

2nd Public Community Consultation proposal

2nd Public Community Consultation response

If you are interested in the affordable housing – which will be specifically for people living or working in Abbotts Ann or with a close family connection to the village – you will need to join the housing register.  To find out all about this go to  ‘How do I apply for affordable housing in Test Valley?’ where you will find all the information, including a link to the Hampshire Home Choice website where you can apply to join the housing register.  

If you have any further questions or would like to contact us for any reason, please email the AACLT at enquiries@aaclt.abbottsann.com