Questions and Answers

Housing for local people – please note that there are more Q&As included in the Homes for Abbotts Ann proposal

Where will the houses be built?   Please look at the proposal via the link on the homepage which will be available to view from Wednesday 7th October.
When will you reveal the location for the development and how did you decide on it?   The proposed location will be shown on this website from Wednesday 7th October via the link to the proposal on the homepage.
Will this create a precedent that would help commercial developers get planning permission?   We believe that, by being seen to take steps to meet the identified needs of local people as demonstrated by the housing needs survey, we reduce the likelihood of commercial developers getting permission for development (especially development outside the settlement boundary).
Surely wherever you select is going to be unpopular with some.   Development proposals always cause concern but our proposal will reduce the threat of development by commercial developers and is preferable in a number of ways: We will take into account the impact on existing residents in our assessment of the options.We will go to greater lengths to minimise any adverse impacts by careful layout, landscaping etc.The community will be more involved in the decision-making process.Abbotts Ann will benefit from the funding of community projects.We intend it to be an exemplar scheme in terms of design and sustainability.
How much will the rent be?   Affordable rents are set at no more than 80% of rents for equivalent properties in the private rented sector.  We would hope also to keep them below the Local Housing Allowance figures.   Actual rents will be influenced by land cost, construction cost, level of government grant and borrowing costs.  
Would tenants qualify for Housing Benefit?   Depending on individual circumstances, tenants could be eligible for housing benefit if unable to afford the “affordable” rent.  
If I purchase a ‘down-sizing’ residence, would I be able to sell it on?   Yes you will be able to sell it on.  
What will be the criteria for allocating housing?   Likely to be similar to the criteria in local planning policy for approving such developments:  i.e.   that they help meet the affordable housing need of the parish and “———— a member of each household has either:
i)  been ordinarily resident in the parish or previously lived in the parish and has a strong family connection; or
ii)  a demonstrable need by virtue of their employment to live in the village or its immediate surroundings; or
iii)  a demonstrable need to live within the village either to support or be supported by a family member.”
Who will manage the rented housing?   We have selected White Horse Housing Association who are a small housing association with a commitment to responsive, caring housing management.