A community benefit society registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 under registration no.8040
The Board of Abbotts Ann Community Land Trust Limited had decided that given the current difficulties in holding face to face meetings it would take advantage of the temporary statutory relaxations under section 37 and Schedule 14 of the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 with regard to the holding of annual general meetings.
Accordingly, a notice of matters to be decided by the members [copy attached] was issued via the Abbotts Ann Village website Community Land Trust members section to all members inviting them to vote on three resolutions, relating respectively to the Annual Report & Financial Statement, the appointment of auditors and the election of Board members. Each resolution was accompanied by a brief explanatory note and members with any questions about the resolutions, or who wished to stand for election as Board members, were invited to contact the Secretary. No such contacts were received.
1 Annual Report & Financial Statement [copy attached]
RESOLVED THAT the accountants report to the board of directors in the form supplied with this resolution be approved and that section 83 of the Cooperative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 be disapplied in accordance with the powers conferred by section 84 of that Act.
2 Appointment of Accountants/Auditors
RESOLVED THAT Moore (South) LLP be re-appointed as accountants and auditors for Abbotts Ann Community Land Trust for the year 2020/21
3 Election of Board Members
RESOLVED THAT the below named members of the Board be re-elected as Board members of Abbotts Ann Community Land Trust Limited for a term of 3 years expiring on the date of the Annual General Meeting 2023:
Ray Lucas
John Barlow
Dennis Carter
Beth Deacon
Tim Law
John Patience
David Read
Graham Stallard
Voting Results
Each of the resolutions was passed unanimously, the number of recorded votes was 20 representing c.50% of the total membership. Voting opened on 10th September 2020 and closed on 30th September 2020.
There was no further business transacted by this electronic meeting.